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July 2, 2024

How to Build a Solid SEO Foundation for Your Business?

July 2, 2024

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Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing technique that increases your visibility and rankings.

SEO creates numerous opportunities for both small and big businesses. It enables a business to increase its visibility and develop an edge over its competitors.

For an instance, if you have a small entity, with the help of SEO you can compete with big businesses using the right keywords. It takes you out of the shell and globalizes your business. An advanced SEO requires time, resources, and the right technology.

Small businesses usually lack resources. They still have an opportunity to build a solid Search engine optimization(SEO) foundation for your business.

Here is a step-wise guide for developing supreme quality SEO foundation for your business.

Step 1- Make sure your website is responsive to mobile phone

Developing a responsive website is not enough, you need to make sure that it is mobile-friendly.

A website should be designed in a way that gives the best user experience on mobile phones. Studies revealed, the number of searches made on the mobile phone is much more than the desktop searches.

The obvious reason behind this is the usability level. A mobile phone is a hand-held device and is likely to be used more than computers. Google favors the sites that are mobile-friendly due to this behavior of searcher.

Therefore, the website you construct should be mobile-friendly and remain updated.

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You can also use mobile-friendly tests of Google to check the responsiveness of your site. Also, if your website is arranged on CMS like WordPress, there are mobile-friendly themes and plugins you can install to replace non-friendly features of the site.

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Step 2- What are your goals for SEO?

You need to consider your company’s goals to determine your SEO strategy. Your Search engine optimization(SEO) strategy must comply with the goals of your company. You need to jot down what do you expect from SEO.

The main motive behind approaching SEO technique should be clear in your mind.
Search Engine Optimization helps in increasing visibility, traffic, and exposure. It also helps in increasing online conversions.

The most popular reason for choosing SEO is that it promises a higher ROI.

For big businesses, SEO is a source of increasing brand recognition and traffic while small businesses choose SEO for increasing leads and conversions. They choose SEO to increase their visibility by using relevant keywords.

Although the main purpose behind SEO is to upgrade your website, you should always consider the goals of your company.

Step 3- Choose the right SEO service for your business

You’d be happy to know that there are different Search engine optimization services available to choose from. You can research and imply the best SEO service for your business.

You need to understand the requirements of your business before choosing the right SEO service.

First of all, you need to research Search engine optimization(SEO) services and understand the types of services available. There are on-site and off-site services available. On-site SEO services are the efforts performed on the actual web page and improve your rankings on the Google index.

On-site services include blogging, web design, etc.

Off-site services are not performed on the actual web page. It increases the quality of your website. Off-site services include content marketing, social media marketing, etc.

You can consult a digital marketing agency to select the best service for your business. State your goals and requirements and they can guide you with the best digital marketing services.

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Step 4- Find the right resources

You need to find the right resources that can help you with SEO services, especially when it comes to SEO for SAAS. There are two different sources from which you can gather SEO services.

In-house staff and expert SEO agencies. In-house staff services include the marketers of the company. They are the general marketers who are well-acquainted with digital marketing techniques.

While SEO agencies hold expertise in SEO services. These companies provide impeccable SEO services.

Most big entities have ample in-house talent while small businesses lack the same. Usually, small businesses choose to outsource their work to SEO agencies to receive specialized services and remain in the competition.


Following these 4 steps can help you build a strong SEO foundation business for your business.

If you have talented staff then you can go to fetch digital marketing services from them, but if you don’t you can consult digital marketing agencies that provide affordable services within the prescribed time-frame.

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