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February 8, 2024

Tips to Write a Marketing Blog Using Free Online Tools in 2024

February 8, 2024
tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools

Digital marketers rely on blogging to connect with their target audience, showcase their expertise, and increase their online presence

If you are a digital marketer and new to blogging, you will be happy to know that you do not need to purchase paid software to get started. 

There are free online tools that will help you excel in blogging. 

Where to find these tools?

No worries, my fellow bloggers. 

I am here to help you. In today’s article, I will discuss the top seven free tools that will help you take your blogging to the next level. 

Here are some tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools.

Let’s jump into them!

1. Identify your target audience with Google Analytics

Before putting your hands on the keyboard and opening MS Word, you need to know who you are writing for. 

Yes, I am talking about your target audience. Take some time to identify your target readers. 

Where to get started?

Do not panic because Google Analytics is here to lift your burden. 

It is absolutely free to use. You can use the tool to know about the age, interests, and behaviors of your audience. 

This crucial information will help you create content according to their requirements. 

In this way, you will be able to write content that exactly matches with your readers. 

For example, if your audience is looking for an ultimate solution to their problems, you can tailor your content according to their pain points and provide them with a result-driven solution. 

With that in mind, you should never miss this important step. 

Use Google Analytics to find out the information your readers are searching for.

Tips to Write a Marketing Blog Using Free Online Tools - Identify your target audience with Google Analytics
Tips to Write a Marketing Blog Using Free Online Tools

2. Do keyword research with Google Keyword Planner

This is another necessary step you should not miss at any cost. 

Keyword research will help you know what terms your target audience is using to search for queries on the internet. 

Imagine you are shouting for help in a crowded space where everyone speaks a different language. 

Will anyone hear you?

Absolutely not!

This is where keyword research comes into play. 

It will help you find out words and phrases your audience is using to search for information related to your marketing topic. 

It will help you to connect with them. 

Keyword research will assist you in finding readers who are interested in purchasing your products or services. 

Most importantly, it will help you rank your website higher in the search engine result pages. 

By doing keyword research, you will be able to learn about the challenges faced by people. 

How to do keyword research?

You can benefit from Google Keyword Planner to find keywords related to your marketing topic. 

It is also free to use. 

This tool uncovers the secret language of your target audience. 

Choose keywords that match your blog’s niche. If your blog is all about e-commerce niche, then “e-commerce trends 2024” could be your golden keywords. Once you do keyword research, you should make a list of these keywords. 

While writing content for your marketing blog post, you need to sprinkle them. So, let Google Keyword Planner be your helping partner.

3. Write compelling headlines with CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

If you really want to stick your readers with your post from the very beginning, you need to create an eye-grabbing headline. 

It attracts readers’ attention and encourages them to click and read your blog. 

tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools - haedline analyzer
tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools

Moreover, it gives an idea of what readers can expect. 

But you do not need to craft enticing headlines manually; CoSchedule Headline Analyzer is a secret weapon for you. It is designed to give your headlines makeup. 

It can help you choose words that strike the perfect balance and create a vibe that resonates with readers. 

This tool has got you covered, whether you want to spark curiosity or inject a CTA into your heading. 

If you think of heading is just like a title, then you are wrong here, my friend. 

A headline is more than a title; it is in fact, your content’s gatekeeper. 

Accordingly, CoSchedule Headline Analyzer can help you create catchy headlines. As a result, your readers will truly thank you for the extra attention.

4. Simplify complicated content with paraphrasing-tool.ai

Imagine you are stuck in a crowded cricket ground, trying to listen to a friend tell an interesting story. 

However, he keeps on using complicated and confusing words and providing unnecessary details. Will you not lose interest?

Yes, you will!

With that in mind, you should write clean and clear content for your marketing blog. 

Nowadays, readers’ attention is important because they do not have enough time to listen to your boring and complex stories. 

So, you need to grab their attention from the very moment they land on your blog. 

If you are struggling to come up with ideas to express the same theme in a unique way, paraphrasing-tool.ai could be your problem solver. 

Paraphrasing-tool.ai has the capability to simplify intricate text in a matter of seconds. 

It uses powerful algorithms to analyze the given text, restructure it, and replace words with the right synonyms. 

tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools-paraphrasing ai
tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools

In addition to that, it also removes unnecessary words from your marketing material so that it sounds natural and original.  

This free paraphrase tool offers six paraphrasing modes so that you can tailor your content according to your needs. These modes are:

  • Creative

This mode restructures sentences and substitutes words with appropriate synonyms. In this way, it enhances the overall quality of your marketing content.

  • Fluency

This mode allows you to simplify the difficult and hard-to-read content. It analyzes the text and replaces complex words and phrases with simpler alternatives.

  • Anti-plagiarism

It is designed to remove plagiarism from your content. It is best for marketers who struggle to write unique content.

  • Formal

The formal mode of this free paraphrasing tool removes all informal words from your draft and makes your writing formal. It is perfect for marketers who are professional communicators.

  • Academic

If you are dealing with an education niche, the academic mode could be a reliable ally for you. It paraphrases text according to academic standards. 

As the name suggests, this mode is designed for bloggers. It lets you paraphrase text efficiently while maintaining keywords.

5. Create appealing visuals with Canva

tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools-canva
tips to write a marketing blog using free online tools

Images and infographics can help you grab the attention of your readers. 

They encourage readers to stay on your marketing blog longer. 

Images can help you covey the complicated concept in a digestible way. 

Crafting images for your blog post has never been simpler and easier thanks to Canva. 

It allows you to design images just like a graphic designer. It is a free too that opens tremendous opportunities with its vast collection of templates and other personalized features. 

Just imagine this: You select a template that matches your topic, customize it according to your requirements, and include it in your post. 

You only need to make a little bit of changes to the template and there you have it – a perfect image that speaks your brand. 

So, Canva is the best way to design images and infographics for your copy.

6. Make use of social media with Buffer

Till now, you have written a blog post. 

Now is the time to extend its reach; it will give you numerous benefits. You can increase the visibility of your content by reaching a wider audience. 

When more and more people read your material, you will have greater chances of converting them to buyers. 

As a result, you will be able to increase sales. 

Here is a tool designed to help you maximize your reach: Buffer.


It can help you make social media management simpler and easier. 

By using this platform, you can spread the word about your blog on famous social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn without breaking the bank. 

This tool lets you organize your content calendar and schedule posts in advance. 

In this way, engaging with your audience has become a simple task. 

Simply, reply to their comments and build a community around your brand. 

So, benefit from Buffer to schedule your posts.

7. Monitor blog performance with Google Analytics

Last but not least, you need to monitor your blog performance. 

It will help you track your content’s success and determine whether it is resonating with your audience. 

How to monitor your blog performance?

What else is better than Google Analytics? 

It will show you a dashboard of what is actually happening behind the scenes. You can check how many people visited your page, how long they stay on it, and whether they are benefitting from your post or not.

This vital information will help you figure out where you are lacking and where you are performing well. If your viewers are increasing, congratulations; you are doing a great job.

And if the bounce rate is high, it is a cue to refine your content writing strategy.


Digital marketers can write a marketing blog with the help of free online tools. 

Google Analytics can help you identify your target audience. 

In this way, you can create content that meets their needs. 

Google Keyword Planner can help you conduct keyword research and figure out what terms your target audience is searching for. 

CoSchedule headline analyzer can help you create catchy headlines that grab readers’ attention and tell them what to expect from your content. 

Paraphrasing-tool.ai can help you simplify complicated content and make it easier to read and understand. 

You can use Canva to create beautiful visuals for your marketing blog posts. 

Social media management tool Buffer can help you increase the reach of your blog posts and engage your audience on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 

Using Google Analytics, you can track your blog’s performance, including how many visitors, how engaged your audience is, and how successful your content strategy is.

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